05 December 2020
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a disease that attacks the immune system of humans and makes us more susceptible to other diseases . In years, HIV becomes a nighmare to every human because this is deadly virus and it is hard to totally recover. Though there have been several strides in recent years, HIV still exists today. The first patient who infected HIV was a man living in the Belgian Congo by Dr. David Ho and his colleagues. Data from HIV.gov (2020) shows in 2019 there were approximately 38 million people in the world infected with HIV. This data shows that 36.2million are adults and 1.8 million are children under 15 years old. To commemorate the lives of those lost to HIV, December 1st has become an important day of remembrance each year.
“What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?”. HIV and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) have different definitions. HIV is a virus that attacks cells that are designed to help the body fight infections, making the person more vulnerable to disease.AIDS is a late stage of HIV infection; it occurswhen the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus. This virus spreads through unprotected sex or through sharing the injection of drugs. Below, we have listed some global data on HIV/AIDS.
*Note: Reflects on 2019 data
Source: www.aidsinfo.unaids.org (accessed December 2020)
“Well, then how HIV nowadays in this COVID-19 Pandemic?”. We all know that this pandemic has changed many things in our lives across the globe. Based on UNAIDS data above, Eastern and Southern Africa siton the first (highest) number in the world. Here are some challenges and recommendations
A. Challenges :
There are people living with HIV or who have risk ofHIV that do not have access to prevention, treatment, and care.
COVID-19 impacts on HIV/AIDS is worrying especially in low and middle income countries because can reduce avialibility of antiretroviral medicine and access preventive services.
COVID-19 makes the treatment situation people with HIV/AIDS becomes worse because can not do maintain HIV care continuum.
(Further information: The Global HIV/AID Epidemic)
B. Recommendations :
There are some strategies to reduce people with HIV in this pandemic:
Governments, organizations, and international partners should work together to maintain HIV care, especially during pandemics .
Practice safe sex and get tested if you are exposed to HIV.
Checking your health regularly with your doctor, if possible.
sking and following your doctor when you have it and do treatment of it. If you do have HIV, there are treatment options available to you to help manage it.
You can also to a treatment as prevention (TasP).
Knowing the risk of what will you do and knowing your partners to take necessary precautions.
(Further information: Lesson From AIDS for the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Writer: Arta Anindita
Editor & Picture: Gabrielle Pascal